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Competition Appeal Tribunal


The Competition Act 2010 prohibits anti-competitive practices, including anti-competitive agreements and the abuse of dominant market positions. Investigations can be conducted by the Competition Commission, and actions can be taken against any business, enterprise, or company found to be in violation of the Competition Act 2010, including the imposition of penalties.

The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) is a quasi-judicial body established under Section 44 of the Competition Act 2010. It has exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions made by the Competition Commission under Section 35 (orders), Section 39 (findings of no violation), and Section 40 (findings of violation) of the Competition Act 2010.

Therefore, any party aggrieved or whose interests are affected by an order or decision of the Competition Commission can submit an appeal to the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT), which has the jurisdiction to uphold or set aside the decisions of the Competition Commission that are being appealed. To ensure the smooth conduct of the appeal process at the CAT, the procedures related to appeals have been established under the Competition (Appeal Tribunal) Regulations 2017.
The current membership of the Competition Appeal Tribunal is as follows:
    1. Y.A. Dr. Shahnaz binti Sulaiman (President)

    2. Y.Bhg. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Gazali bin Abas

    3. Y.Bhg. Dato’ Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahim

    4. Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Muhammad bin Ibrahim

    5. Y.Bhg. Dato’ Zainal Azman bin Abu Seman

    6. Y.Brs. Tuan Chambai Anak Lindong

    7. Y.Brs. SR. Hj. Ishak bin Ismail

    8. Y.Bhg. Dato’ Gunalan a/l Muniandy

    9. Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai

    10. Y.Bhg. Datuk Ir. Abdullah bin Isnin

    11. Y.Bhg. Dato’ Salim bin Parlan



The Competition Appeal Tribunal is committed to delivering justice to every party involved in the appeals before it. This commitment is reflected in its membership, which consists of individuals with experience and expertise in law, commerce, economics, accounting, and consumer affairs.


The Competition Appeal Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions made by the Competition Commission under Sections 35, 39, and 40 of the Competition Act 2010.


To be an effective and integrity-driven dispute resolution forum based on the provisions of the Competition Act 2010


As a special tribunal with exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions made by the Competition Commission under Sections 35, 39, and 40 of the Competition Act 2010.