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Members of the Competition Appeal Tribunal

The Competition Appeal Tribunal is made up of a President and members appointed by the Prime Minister on the recommendation of the Minister. The President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal must be appointed from among the Judges of the High Court, and its members must be individuals with expertise in industry, trade, economics, law, accounting, or consumer affairs. The President and members of the Competition Appeal Tribunal shall hold office for a term not exceeding six years.

Currently, the members of the Competition Appeal Tribunal are as follows:

  1. YA Dr. Shahnaz binti Sulaiman (Presiden);
  2. YBhg. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Gazali bin Abas;
  3. YBhg. Dato’ Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahim;
  4. YBhg. Tan Sri Muhammad bin Ibrahim;
  5. YBhg. Dato’ Zainal Azman bin Abu Seman;
  6. YBrs. Tuan Chambai Anak Lindong;
  7. YBrs. SR.Hj. Ishak bin Ismail;
  8. YBhg. Dato’ Gunalan a/l Muniandy;
  9. YBhg. Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai;
  10. YBhg. Datuk Ir. Abdullah bin Isnin;
  11. YBhg. Dato’ Salim bin Parlan

The Competition Appeal Tribunal is administered by a Secretary appointed by the Minister under Section 50 of the Competition Act 2010. The Minister may designate any number of public officers deemed suitable to assist the Secretary.