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Domestic Trade

1. Can online merchants be trusted?
Before you conduct any online transaction, you have to trust the site. One simple way is by using the website name search on Google or Yahoo. If your results show many consumers are not satisfied with the online merchant, you may need to be cautious. Make sure that the merchant’s site also specifies the address and phone number of the business. By using the information, you may conduct your own investigations and ensure that if the information is correct. Finally, if the bids offered are too great, high chances are it cannot be trusted. This form of online business makes it easier for scams to occur, so you should be cautious.
2. Does the online transaction that I conduct (Online Commercial Transaction) have any implications or is legally valid?
3. What are the characteristic of pyramid schemes or arrangements?
4. What types of marketing plans are under the direct sales business?
5. What are the requirements for approval of weights and measure license?
6. What is meant by “Direct Sales”?
7. What is internet commerce B2B, B2C and C2C?
8. What is a pyramid scheme or arrangement?
9. What should public do if approached by the promoters of this scheme?
10. What to do if the license wants to upgrade the optical disc machines?
11. What is the fee charge for the weights and measure license?
12. Abuse of “scratch and win” / “lucky” / “free gift

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