1. What is meant by Menu Rahmah Programme?
Menu Rahmah Programme is a new program or initiative of KPDN together with strategic partners consisting of Food Shop Operators (Cooking) and the Association of Restaurant and Food Stall Operators in the government's efforts to help and reduce the cost of living, especially the Hardly Poor among the B40. Food shop and restaurant operators who participate in the Menu Rahmah Programme have agreed to provide daily meals (either lunch or dinner) at a rate not exceeding RM5 per meal. Usually, the dishes in the Menu Rahmah Programme contain one source of protein either chicken or fish and one type of vegetable.
2. Will the Menu Rahmah Programme also be expanded throughout the country?
3. When will Menu Rahmah Programme be extended to all states in Malaysia?
4. What is the target for the involvement of restaurant premises and eateries that will be involved under this Menu Rahmah Programme?
5. What if there are restaurant operators and eateries want to participate in Menu Rahmah Programme and offer the Menu Rahmah in their meal list?