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Tribunal For Consumer Claims

1. What are the objectives of Tribunal For Consumer Claim Malaysia?
  1. To provide an alternative forum to civil courts for consumers to claim redress in respect of any goods and services purchased in a convenience, fast manner and at a minimal cost.
  2. To hear and determine claims in an independent and just manner.
  3. To develop the law on consumer protection
2. When was Tribunal For Consumer Claims Malaysia established?
3. What is the jurisdiction for Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia?
4. What are the limitations of jurisdiction for Tribunal For Consumer Claims Malaysia?
5. Who are the consumers under Act 599?
6. Does the Tribunal have the legal capacity to act on consumer complaints?
7. How is the execution of award under Act 599?
8. How is the non-compliance on award?
9. What is the Judicial Review?
10. How to File Claim?
11. Will there be any charge for filling claim?

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